
This page has some helpful suggestions for working with surveydown surveys.

Splitting the server chunk into a separate file

The server chunk contains many components. As your survey grows in length and complexity, the server chunk can get quite long, and scrolling up and down to edit it along with the main survey content can be annoying. To address this, it can be helpful to split up your server code into a separate file so that you can open it in a separate tab in your editor.

To enable this, create a server.R file (can be any name you wish) in your projec t directory, and put all of your server code in this file except for the call to sd_server(). Then you can source the file into the server chunk like this:

#| context: server


  input   = input,
  output  = output,
  session = session,
  config  = config,
  db      = db
config <- sd_config(
  # your config here

# Any other server code here

With this setup, your server code chunk will remain unchanged and you will only need to edit your server.R file to customize your server settings.


Note that you still need to include the sd_server() function in your server code chunk after sourcing the server.R file.

Programmatically generate survey questions

You can use code to programmatically generate survey questions, which can be useful if you have a large number of questions that are similar to each other. One way to do this is to first create a data frame with the question parameters, and then use the sd_question() function to create the questions.

Here’s an example using map() over the items data frame to generate a list of questions. Note that the list of questions is wrapped in shiny::tagList(), which is necessary for the survey to render properly since the map() function returns a list.


This approach inserts all the questions on the same page. We haven’t found a way to insert these questions on different pages, which would require more sophistication in the map() function.

# Generate data frame of question parameters
items <- tibble::tibble(
  type = "mc",
  id = as.character(1:3),
  label = LETTERS[1:3],
  option = list(c(
    "None" = "0", 
    "A Little" = "1",
    "A lot" = "2"

# Generate questions
  purrr::map(1:nrow(items), function(i) {
    args <- items[i, ]
      id     = as.character(args$id),
      type   = args$type,
      label  = args$label,
      option = unlist(args$option)
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