Frequently Asked Questions


Have a question but don’t see an answer here? Feel free to make a post on GitHub:

How do I make a question required?

Use the required_questions argument in sd_config() to control required responses. See making a question required.

Why is my shinyapps deployment failing?

First, make sure everything is correctly defined, including your Supabase project settings and password settings. The password in your project folder should be the same as your Supabase project password (see here for how to set the password). Then, make sure your survey runs on your local machine and can successfully link with your Supabase project table. With these confirmed, your shinyapps deployment should work without problem.

If you still encounter an error (e.g., the page shows the app failed to start, or you see the page but it doesn’t run properly), try clearing your cache. The simplest way to do so is to reboot your computer. It may also help if you delete the previously generated html file, rsconnect folder, and the survey folder generated when you locally rendered the .qmd file. After re-rendering, you should be able to deploy the app without error.

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