
Install R & Quarto

You need both:

Also, we recommend working with an IDE. RStudio is great, and we also like VS Code and Positron.

Install the {surveydown} R package

The {surveydown} R package is not yet on CRAN, but you can install the development version from GitHub with the following command in your R console:

# install.packages("remotes")

Install the surveydown Quarto Extension

Once you start working on an actual survey, you’ll need the surveydown Quarto extension.

Note: The extension must be locally installed in a _extensions folder in your root survey project folder.

We recommend starting with a template survey, which will automatically add the latest extension for you:


Otherwise, you can install the extension using the terminal or with the {surveydown} package:

  • Using the Terminal:
quarto install extension jhelvy/surveydown-ext
  • Using the {surveydown} R package:

Version Control

We made some R functions to make it easier to keep your R package and Quarto extension up to date.

To check if you have the latest R package and Quarto extension installed, run:


To update the R package and Quarto extension to the latest version, run:

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