Welcome to your first surveydown survey!

We recommend reading the Getting Started page to get a sense of how to use surveydown. The rest of the documentation covers more details on how to use surveydown.


Progress Feature
Check mark Wide variety of question types
Check mark Ability to use latest survey results in the survey itself
Check mark Ability to Ignore the database connection
Check mark Ability to conditionally display questions
Check mark Ability to conditionally skip to pages
Check mark Start the survey from a specific page (helpful when editing survey)
Check mark Require specific questions or all questions be answered
Check mark Create a random numeric completion code
Check mark Time stamps recorded for each question and page interaction
Check mark Auto scroll according to the answering progress
Check mark Progress bar bar that updates on each question interaction
Check mark Customizable progress bar color and position on page
Check mark Markdown formatting for options and buttons
Check mark Support for bootstrap themes
Check mark Customizable scss theme file
Check mark Pass parameters through the url, e.g. to track user IDs
Check mark Redirect users to an external url
Check mark Store session ID in browser cookies to store user progress if they refresh the page
Screwdriver wrench Admin page with password login to preview / download data, pause survey, etc.
Screwdriver wrench Form validation (limit input based on question type)
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