Conditional Survey Flow (Page Skipping)

Basic page navigation is handled using the sd_next() function in your survey file. But you can override this static navigation in your server function.

For example, often times you’ll want to send respondents to different parts of the survey based on some condition, such as the respondent choosing a particular value in a multiple choice question. A common example is the need to screen out people based on their response(s) to a question.

Here’s a concrete example. Let’s say you need to screen out people who do not own a vehicle. To do this, you would first define a question in your survey.qmd file about their vehicle ownership, e.g.:

  type  = 'mc',
  id    = 'vehicle_ownership',
  label = "Do you own your vehicle?",
  option = c(
    'Yes' = 'yes',
    'No'  = 'no'

You would also need to define a screenout page to send respondents to, like this:

::: {#screenout .sd-page}

Sorry, but you are not qualified to take our survey.


Then in the server function in the app.R file, you can use the sd_skip_forward() function to define the condition under which the respondent will be sent to the target screenout page, like this:

server <- function(input, output, session) {

    input$vehicle_ownership == "no" ~ "screenout"

  sd_server(db = db)


Just like the sd_show_if() function, you can provide multiple conditions to the sd_skip_forward() function, each separated by a comma. The structure for each condition in sd_skip_forward sd_skip_forward() function is always:

<condition> ~ "target_page_id"

In the example above, input$vehicle_ownership == "no" is the condition, and "screenout" is the target page that the respondent will be sent to if the condition is met.

Take a look at the Common Conditions page for examples of other types of supported conditions you can use to conditionally control the survey flow.


The input object is a Shiny object that stores each question id defined by sd_question() in your survey.qmd file, so whenever referring to a question in a condition, you must use the format input$question_id.

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