Conditional Question Display

It is often useful to have a question display based on some condition, such as the respondent choosing a particular value in a multiple choice question.

For example, let’s say we have a choice question about people’s favorite penguin type, and the last option is “other”. If the respondent chose it, you may want a second question to display that allows them to specify the “other” penguin type, like this:

To implement this, you first need to define both the conditional question and the target question in the survey.qmd file, like this:

# Conditional question
  type  = "mc",
  id    = "penguins",
  label = "Which is your favorite type of penguin?",
  option = c(
    "Adélie"    = "adelie",
    "Chinstrap" = "chinstrap",
    "Gentoo"    = "gentoo",
    "Other"     = "other"

# Target question
  type  = "text",
  id    = "penguins_other", 
  label = "Please specify the other penguin type:"

Then in the server function in the app.R file, you can use the sd_show_if() function to define that the "penguins_other" question would only be shown if the respondent chose the "other" option in the "penguins" question, like this:

server <- function(input, output, session) {

    input$penguins == "other" ~ "penguins_other" 

  sd_server(db = db)


The structure of the condition in the sd_show_if() function is always:

<condition> ~ "target_question_id"

You can provide multiple conditions to the sd_show_if() function, each separated by a comma.

In the example above, input$penguins == "other" is the condition, and "penguins_other" is the target question that will be shown if the condition is met. The ~ symbol is used to separate the condition from the target question.

Take a look at the Common Conditions page for examples of other types of supported conditions you can use to conditionally display questions.


The input object is a Shiny object that stores each question id defined by sd_question() in your survey.qmd file, so whenever referring to a question in a condition, you must use the format input$question_id.

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